The Fairy Caravan

Beatrix Potter Published by Puffin 7 years old and upwards This beautiful cover illustration by the incomparable Beatrix Potter is called 'Louisa Pussycat Sleeps Late'. The Fairy Caravan by Potter is less well known than her books for younger children and has fewer (but still wonderful) illustrations. However this longer book deserves just as much appreciation for her imagination, humour and charm. After an unfortunate incident with hair potion (!), Tupenny the guinea pig runs away and joins a little travelling circus of animals that are invisible to the 'Big Folk'. The tales that follow in each chapter are both stories of the group's adventures and of stories they hear from other animals. These range from fanciful - cats running a costume shop; to serious - sheep being rescued by shepherds; to magical and mysterious woodland adventures and tree fairies. Highlights for me include a charming Christmas scene where the chickens think ...