Cursed Crowns

Cursed Crowns By Catherine Doyle and Katherine Webber Published by Electric Monkey Ages 13 + 'After all, everything came at a price...' After loving book 1 and it's swashbuckling humour, I was so excited to get Cursed Crowns (thank you Harper and Electric Monkey) and was excited every time I picked it up to read! We meet new characters in book 2, and visit different parts of the world only mentioned in book 1, but even in different settings, with Wren in Gevra and Rose in the Sunkissed Kingdom - we get the tantalizing dual, split voice and character arcs much loved in Twin Crowns. I love that this format stayed the same - it works so well. BUT there is a magical, mirror-induced way in this book that the twins communicate and experience each other's drama and honestly these chapters are brilliant - both strategic and surprising and always hilarious with comic situation. (Rose staring at dead mice and Wren throwing a fruit bowl both made me laugh...) This also leads to ...