The Little Girl and the Tiny Doll

Edward and Aingelda Ardizzone Published by Puffin Ages 5 and upwards Bringing another classic to the fore here - because I have never forgotten this story of the little doll in a matchbox among the frozen peas and it's so touching! This short story is easy to read with one or two sentences and charming black and white illustrations on each page. The creativity of using miniature items in this story makes it and the illustrations unforgettable - the doll makes a match box bed and plays tennis with the peas using a spoon. Yet this tale has so much heart and depth, because the little girl is full of compassion for the little doll in the freezer that no-one pays attention to. She makes tiny clothes herself to keep the doll warm, she delivers them wrapped up as gifts, exciting the doll. These are beautiful, thoughtful examples of kindness - and what makes this children's classic, written in 1966, timeless.